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RTC High School CTE Programs

RTC programs are designed to prepare young people for productive futures while meeting the commonwealth's need for well-trained and industry-certified technical workers.

Check out our programs here

Governor's CTE Academy for STEM 

Students participate in a rigorous academic and technical program of study in two career pathways:  Engineering and Technology and Therapeutic Services (Health Sciences).

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CTE Dual Enrollment at RTC

Students may receive both high school and college credits for designated courses at RTC in the following programs: Pharmacy, EMT, Nurse Aide, and Criminal Justice. 

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RPS High School Program of Studies 

Every  RPS  high  school  offers  a  course  of  study  that  enables  students  to  meet  the graduation  requirements  for  the  Advanced  Studies  or  Standard  Diploma  while  also providing  opportunities  to  explore  interests  beyond  those  requirements. 

Access the guide

First page of the PDF file: 2023-24CareerPathwaysBooklet

For  more information  Click  booklet above.CTE Career Pathways Booklet

RTC offers 30+ pathways to lucrative post-secondary careers.  Read on to explore course offerings and potential salaries.